Funny dating site quotes
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Dating > Funny dating site quotes
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Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. The more experiments you make the better. She could hardly walk after that. Luxurious is certainly, after all, it becomes you.
It takes 42 muscles to frown and only four to extend my middle finger and tell you to bite me. I'm responsible, hard working, faithful and a really, really good kisser. Met 2 In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Artsy and Imaginative Reality leaves lot to the imagination. She's hurt and tired. Smile — it confuses people. I want a happily ever after. Watching your daughter being collected by her date elements like handing over a million dollar Stradivarius to a gorilla.
But we can do small things with great love. Now the world is Weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.
Online Dating Quotes - Seuss I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Must have been a long and lonely journey.
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